At VCL, we acknowledge our CSR policy as a form of Corporate Governance based on the principles of generosity, integrity, and egalitarianism.

According to our perspective, social responsibility should become part of everyday working processes. All the activities of our corporate social responsibility should improve the quality of all facets of the social settings that we impact and contribute to social sustainability.

pdf CSR Policy


Education is at the core of our CSR strategy, as we believe that education is a key area.

Another one of our projects is to educate and feed the kids of our construction labor force during midday. This not only guarantees that the children get the nutrition they require but also their educational development as well.

Furthermore, we provide young generations of civil engineers from various universities with on-site training and experience. In this way, we provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills and help them effectively perform in the construction industry.

Industrial Visit

To strengthen the link between academia and industrial partners, we organize international delegates' visits to our construction sites.

These visits are very useful for gaining an understanding of our operations and creating a positive atmosphere that promotes knowledge-sharing between employees. By constantly displaying construction practices and cutting-edge approaches, we empower our staff and engage the visiting delegations.


Occupational Health and Safety

Protecting our employees’ safety and health is a priority and of the utmost importance to us.


To this end, we undertake annual drills that involve all construction workers and other employees to ensure they are well-prepared whenever a contingency occurs. These training programs aim to update their knowledge of safety procedures and guarantee their ability to act in the event of an emergency. Policies related to occupational health and safety have helped us gain recognition and certification from the CIIDC.